(updated 3-8-2018, 22:00 hrs)
Slottimes are online and NO longer available!
* In- and outbound slottimes Saturday the 4th of August 2018, click here.
* Nightstoppers, click here.
* Total overview, click here.
Visiting aircraft on Saturday the 4th of August 2018 are only accepted with slots. Please check the files above with available times first! You can request a slot for arrival and departure on Saturday by sending an email with the following information:
* Registration aircraft + type of aircraft
* Cruise speed and final speed (in knots)
* Airport of departure and airport of destination
* Day of arrival, if Saturday please mention the requested slottime (0800-1200 local time)
* Day of departure, if Saturday please mention the req. slottime (1715-1900 local time)
* If nightstop, please mention your accommodation.
If you don’t have email, you can contact us via +31 222 311267.
Pilot info
Additional information about the procedures for inbound and outbound:
Pilot info English: Click here.
Download Supplement English: SUP 07/2018
Arrival Friday 3rd of August or earlier
If you come on Friday or earlier for the Texel Airshow, please let us know! We prefer to know the exact number of planes at our airport. Just send an email with your details (registration, type of aircraft, PIC, POB, expected time and day of arrival and departure). It is possible to camp at the airport during the weekend of the airshow. We’ll take care for toilets and (some) showerunits. If you want to camp at the airport, please mention that in your email together with your details.
Landing fees
* Aircraft < 1.500 kg (noise cat. 7-8) = € 15.
* Aircraft < 1.500 kg (noise cat. 2-6) = € 20.
* Aircraft < 1.500 kg (noise cat. 1) = € 25.
* Aircraft < 2.000 kg (noise cat. 2-8) = € 35.
* Aircraft < 2.000 kg (noise cat. 1) = € 40.
* Aircraft < 3.000 kg = € 45.
* Aircraft < 4.000 kg = € 55.
* Aircraft < 5.000 kg = € 65.
* Aircraft < 6.000 kg = € 75.
* All aircraft per night stop = € 10.
ENG: For our participants we already booked rooms for the weekend. Most participants will leave on Saturday, that’s why we will have from Saturday to Sunday some hotel rooms for visitors available. If you want to stay overnight in one of these rooms, please contact us and we will put you on the list!
NL: Voor onze deelnemers hebben wij reeds voor het hele weekend hotelkamers geboekt. De meeste deelnemers vertrekken echter al op zaterdag, waardoor wij diverse kamers van zaterdag op zondag nog vrij hebben. Wilt u in aanmerking komen voor deze kamers? Dan kunt u contact met ons opnemen. Bij voorkeur per email!